"It's not what it looks like."
"It never is." Ever.
After being betrayed by her (ex-)adoptive parents, Amber Johnson focuses all her attention on carrying out her employer's bidding. Working for an organisation which is trying to make a difference in the world is never easy, and having the cops consider it a terrorist organisation makes it even worse.
When she stumbles upon an intelligence officer who begs her for help in catching someone he has a personal vendetta against, things start going haywire. Suddenly, her own colleagues are turning against her and her friends become her enemies. Nothing is as it seems. And to put icing on the cake, what's all this about poisoning people? Has it got to do with the man who the officer wanted to catch? Or is it nothing more than rumours spurring from the fact that the organisation's name is Poison?
Whatever it is, she needs answers and there is only one way that she is going to get them. By fighting fire with fire. Or rather, by fighting Poison with poison...