1. Agreement.
This Terms of Service (the "Agreement") constitutes a legally binding agreement by and between the NAHO (National Artificial Human Organization) and you, concerning your interest in having a clone child. By agreeing to this contract, you adhere to the terms and conditions set forth in this document.
I) The NAHO will provide monetary compensation for up to 18 years after the birth of the child as well as pay any fees along the way. If, during pregnancy, you feel like you will be unable to take care of the child properly, you are free to abort the child at any time. By doing so, the contract will be nullified and any financial assistance you have received must be reimbursed in full.
If, after pregnancy, you feel like you will be unable to take care of the child properly, you are free to turn the child over to the government's custody. By doing so, the contract will be nullified and any financial assistance you have received must be reimbursed in full.
II) Starting at the age of 14, the NAHO will be in charge of the child's education and future. Parents will be able to visit once a month, but after they graduate, there will be no further contact allowed, except in rare cases. (See Section 2.06.12 for more details.)
III) If the clone happens to die at any point, an investigation will commence. Should the cause of death be proved as accidental, we will not pursue further legal action and you would not be responsible for reimbursing the NAHO for any financial assistance you have received. However, if it is revealed that the child was killed with malicious intent or for the sake of insurance fraud, you will be fined heavily as well as face criminal charges for the destruction of property.
Please sign below verifying that you agree to the above terms and conditions. You will be hearing back from us within 6-8 weeks with more information on how to proceed.
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